Friday, October 22, 2010
Look Whoo's Two!
I got a little trigger happy and took more than 200 pictures. Needless to say, I'm going to keep it simple so that I can actually finish a blog post and not keep it in my drafts folder. I'm sure Finley's Mommy will have all the sweet details and more on her blog if you want to check it out.
Finley had a little owl party and every detail matched the occasion - from owl backpacks for the chairs, cookies, table cloths, centerpieces, Finley's birthday skirt and even Beckham's shirt (from Etsy)! It was all so very sweet.
The kids enjoyed blowing bubbles (and some eating them) on the front porch, some dinner and cake, then swinging and running around the front lawn. JP never wants to take a family picture, but I managed to snag this special father-son moment during all the playtime.
We tried to get a picture of the four little kids - a task nearly impossible! This isn't necessarily the best one, but the funniest indeed. I love how K-man is hugging on Beckham. (It's the best place to be - between two Gators!) Javen is enjoying his sippy cup (we had to keep everyone distracted so they would actually sit still!) and Finley's expression is priceless. I think she's ready to get away from the boys!
We were able to get some really cute pictures of Finley and Beckham. I think I'm going to save this for the wedding slideshow! :)
A couple pictures of the birthday family... soon to be four!
Finley's giving her party a thumb's up! Meanwhile, Beckham's not shy about how exhausting a birthday party can be. My little man got to stay up late and enjoyed every minute of it!
On a side note, I am very proud of the fact that Beckham will wear a hat! It didn't come easily, but I was determined. After his birthday party (where he wouldn't wear his hat), I decided I needed to try to fix this. So on his actual birthday, I worked with him all day to keep his hat on. I made him wear that crazy birthday hat everywhere - around the house, to the park, to lunch at Chick-fil-A, etc. Some lessons pay off... ha!
Happy 2nd Birthday Finley-Bear! We love you dearly!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
DBE - Sellin' the Sizzle
Content is intended for adult viewing only
Straight from the tabloids - making even TMZ blush:
May the female population in the Tampa Bay area under 2 years of age be warned.
Corporate Says Viewership is Down (DBE)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A Mother's Prayer
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Rubber Ducky
My mom smocked a cute little duck outfit for Jakson (of which I have no pictures - because he has a bib over it when he wore it).
And this little one for Jakson to eat. Unfortunately, he it was too much pressure and he wanted nothing to do with it!
I've been thinking about Beckham's first birthday party ever since. Now that we're four months out, I'm going to get serious about planning it. I just need to narrow down the theme... there are just so many cute ideas out there! I'm thinking Curious Beckham (after Curious George and the Monkey he loves) or Mr. Man or even a Nautical theme because Beckham loves the water. I'll have to narrow down some of his favorite things.
In the meantime, here are some sweet pictures of Beckham at the party.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Three Surnames
We dedicated Beckham Cruz in front of our church family (South Tampa Fellowship) on April 18th. It was such a sweet time for our family. My parents and Justin's sister (Natalie) flew in from DC for the service. Justin's parents and grandparents, our dear friends (the Codes and Nations) and our beloved church small group family were also there to celebrate with us. (I'm very upset that I don't have pictures of everyone with him on that day. I should have put someone in charge of that. I'll do better next time...)
For the superficial specifics...
Beckham wore a light blue dupioni silk outfit that my mom made for him along with a bonnet that Justin would have rather done without!
I was petrified my son would spit up in front of the entire church congregation. Mama Nations came to the rescue and made this beautiful heirloom bib for him (it has a little boy embroidered on it) and a matching burp cloth. It was the perfect accessory to his sweet outfit.
For the more meaningful specifics...
Our son has three surnames - English, Spanish and Italian! Maybe he'll be trilingual. :) There is nothing special about the name Beckham, except that we really liked it. We actually didn't name him after the soccer star, but it is quite appropriate that Justin loves soccer. He's continuing to live up to his name (since he was Frank Breech in utero).
His middle name is what has significance to us. Cruz is my maiden name. Long ago we decided that if we ever had a son his middle name would be Cruz. My parents only had daughters so there's no one to carry on the family name. However, all three of us girls have used Cruz as our middle names since we married because we didn't have one.
His middle name also has deep spiritual significance to us. It means "cross of Christ" and it's our prayer that one day Beckham would "take up his cross daily and follow Him" (Luke 9:23).
Beckham: someone who lived beside a stream
Cruz: Spanish for the cross of Christ
Pullaro: from Sicilian puddara denoting a plant of the pimpernel family (I wasn't sure what that was, so I googled it. Here's a picture for you visual people like me.)
Later that day, we celebrated Beckham's dedication with a family dinner at Nick and Suzette's house. They were so sweet to host this dinner for us - as tax season ended only three days before.
Thank God for mothers - she worked tirelessly to help me get everything ready and make it a special dinner for Beckham.
The food was amazing! My dad grilled fajitas and brisket and Papaw grilled chicken and ribs. (Once again, only have pictures of the food and not them. Ugh!)
Thank you to all of you who have and will come along side Beckham in the years to come and encourage him to follow Christ and grow in a deep relationship with Him.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Up In The Air
Friday, June 11, 2010
Beckham = Personality (DBE)
Monday, June 7, 2010
'Cito vs. 'Cillin (DBE)
Sunday we learned that The Bubbacito has his first ear infection and he needs some amoxicillin - something his Dad was allergic to (mom, feel free to post some comments about what you recall).
So we are now in the process of finding out if Becks is allergic to penicillin or not... it's the 'Cito in one corner, and the 'Cillin in the other...

"Let's get it on!"
Monday, May 10, 2010
The First Pullaro Family Easter Egg Hunt
Happy Belated Easter!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Abscense of Updates (DBE)
But since an Update on the lack of updates, isn't really helping, I thought I would at least give you a sneak peak of things to come:
- The First Pullaro Easter Egg Hunt
- Beckham's Dedication and Party
- Standing in the Crib
- Plus a 2 Disc collection of Beckham singing hits from the 90s (just making sure you were paying attention)
All this and more, coming soon.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Dedication Week (Daddy Blogging Exclusive or DBE)
14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Spring = Twitterpated (A Daddy Blogging Exclusive)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Six Little Peeps
Paige gave me these stickers with a different number on each one (0-12). You put it on a white onesie and take a picture each month to document the baby's growth. In another post, I'll show a picture from each month so you can see just how much Beckham has changed.
With the help of some of my Facebook friends, this proved to be the most interesting photo shoot yet! Since it's so close to Easter, we bought six chocolate Easter bunnies and six Peeps to use as a photo prop. Justin and I should have known where they were headed... straight to Beckham's mouth! For a kid who's only had breastmilk and cereal, I'm sure chewing on a marshmallow is a big no-no. Oh well, I'm a first-time Mom!
Aside from his hilarious expressions, I am so impressed at how well Beckham sat up all on his own! That was definitely a first.
Monday, March 22, 2010
It's Shark Week

Friday, March 19, 2010
One Last Post from Daddy
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Happy Birthday Papi
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Briefest of Evenings

This is how I spent my evening with my son.
Beckham decided he was 12 and didn't nap all day. So when I came home, expecting a son filled with wonderment to engage and play with, Becks fell asleep while drinking his bottle. Not just dreary-eyed asleep for a second, but like I could have tossed him into the crib from the family room and he wouldn't wake up asleep.
I spent the bulk of my day thinking about how I wanted to spend my time with my son, what I wanted to do with him before mommy returns home and I become irrelevant... and 15 minutes into my glorious litany of activities, I find myself alone with the monitor.
Such is fatherhood...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tuesdays Gone with the Wind
He was so happy in the car entertaining me with his noises (usually around 30 minutes or so into our trip he's ready to get out of his car seat... and since Riverview is an hour away from everything, its just the way our car experience goes). He gave Gigi besos (kisses) as soon as he saw her and was content as can be while we got his breakfast ready.
I found myself thinking about just how big and grown up he is - how much he has changed in 5 months. It was like a scene from a cheesy TV show, and I just wanted to spend the day watching the Bubbacito.
I finally got to play with him later in the evening. I am determined to make "dada" Becks' first word, so we practiced for most of the evening. He just smiles and coos but I know he's getting it. It's just good to watch him react to me in distinct ways - like he knows mommy still rules, but there are some special things just for dad! Like this picture...
Monday, March 15, 2010
Hostile Take-Over
To be honest, I was the one pushing for a blog all along. In the process of setting this up Raquel informed me that I was not allowed to contribute because she thought it was 'flakey' for dads to obsessively blog.

Check back daily, as I will show the world how awesome Daddy-bloggin' can be.