Saturday, March 6, 2010

Boy Meets Food

It was a big day for Beckham - he ate something other than breastmilk! After much contemplation, I started him on cereal. The pediatrician suggested I wait until 5-6 months because he was growing well and getting all his nutrients from breastmilk. But in the last week, it seemed as though he was ready for more. He was hungrier during the day, waking up early from naps and occasionally at 5am instead of sleeping until 7am. I'm a little overwhelmed - I stayed up until after midnight reading my books and trying to figure out exactly how to do this and how to readjust his schedule. I went to bed thinking... "Maybe I should wait. It's so easy to just nurse him and not have to worry about anything else."

But deep down, I think I was really excited. I jumped out of bed when my alarm went off this morning (for those of you who know me well, I'm a snoozer and hate the mornings!). I decided last night that I would introduce the rice cereal at his first feeding. I was determined to have a successful day and in order for my new "schedule" to work, we had to start at 7am! Beckham, however, was still sleeping. I love to watch him when he hears my voice and sees me in the morning or after a nap. He gets the biggest toothless smile and it just melts my heart! I sing him the same song every day and I think he's starting to recognize it. I made it up to the tune of Frere Jacques.

It goes something like this:

Buenos dias, buenos dias
Beckham Cruz, Beckham Cruz
Como maneciste, como maneciste
Es sabado, es sabado (or whatever day it is!)

So after lots of hugs and kisses, a diaper change and saying good morning to Daddy in bed, Beckham nursed. And then... he ate! His dad says it's time to start loving food... and by some of the faces Beckham made, it may take a while!

Here are some of the highlights from our first Saturday breakfast with Beckham!


  1. Okay, that was so adorable. I love hearing you talk in spanish to him. I mean I have no clue what you are saying, but I love it just the same. Way to go Raquel on your mommy instincts. I know that it is so overwhelming at times, but you are doing a wonderful SPECTACULAR job !
    I am so sorry that we didn't make it out to your way this afternoon. See you when we get back.

  2. bien hecho, mama! that was too cute. i can't believe how big he has gotten. and OH MY GOSH, the hair!! hilarious. i totally understand your feelings of helplessness at times....i have so been there and still am there from time to time. trust your instincts. you know beckham better than anyone!...and when you have no clue, just pray, then relax and know that this too shall pass! hugs to you!!
