Beckham has thrown me all new curve balls this week and my only response has been "I don't know."
I don't know why he's waking up in the middle of the night (the boy usually sleeps 12 hours straight!)
I don't know if he's teething
I don't know why he cried inconsolably for more than an hour
I don't know why he's crying
I don't know if he has an ear infection (even though the doctor checked his ears and said they were fine)
I don't know why he woke up at 9pm, 11pm, 1am, 4am and 6am the other night
I don't know why he cries for the neighbors when they watch him
I don't know why he screams bloody murder when his daddy puts him to bed
I don't know if he's getting enough to eat
I don't know if I need to drop his "cat nap" at the end of the day
I don't know if he's sleeping too much during the day
I don't know if I need to start him on solids
I don't know if I should start unswaddling him
I just don't know!!!!!
Just when I thought I had him figured out! Despite coming to the stark realization that I don't have all the answers, there is one thing I learned I DO know: it doesn't matter how old (or young) you are, when you're sick you just want your momma. I so loved that when Beckham was sick, he wanted me! I was the one who could comfort him and make him feel better. He would just lay in my chest with his face under my chin and cuddle. It was the sweetest thing ever and I can't explain how amazing it felt, but it made real this aspect of motherhood. I wouldn't trade all the "I don't knows" for that moment. And, I can't help but to think that even when he's 30... if he's sick, he'll want his momma!
Here are a few recent Mommy and Beckham moments. I realized going through my pictures that I only have one picture of just the two of us from the month of February. I'll have to work on that next month.

Beckham's First Gasparilla
Beckham and me with my Nana (Mom's Mother, 90 years old)

Four Generations: Nana, Lala (my mom's "Grandma" name), Me and Beckham. I love this picture for Beckham because I never had any great-grandparents. He is so blessed to have six!

Beckham meets his first Florida Gator - Riley Cooper! He is Tim Tebow's roommate. We met him on our way to my Grandfather's funeral in Texas. He was on our flight from Tampa to Houston. He was so nice to let us take a picture with him. Non-Gator fans have said this is a great family photo!